Monday, 25 May 2009

What not to wear?

Flights are booked. We are leaving the UK on Tuesday 9th June at 22.30

and we land in Sydney on Thursday 11th June at 06.35am

We have decided to go out in style so we used our Virgin miles to upgrade ourselves to Upper Class. Gus is already planning what to do in the Virgin Clubhouse at Heathrow - spa, jacuzzi, massage, manicure, cocktails, dinner - who actually needs to travel - you could just stay there.

We are facing a packing crisis though. When you fly to the USA, the baggage allowance is 2 pieces (3 in Upper) each of which can weigh up to 25 kg. For flights to Australia and anywhere else East there is a different system. A total weight limit applies, which for us will be 30kg each. Now when we go on a cruise we normally take 2 cases each, so surviving for the 2 months before our shipped belongings turn up presents a real challenge. Gus' haircare regime alone demands its own suitcase.

And we are headed for a winter season........we need a capsule wardrobe - a fashion makeover. We need Gok.


  1. Hmmm... Challenges, challenges... I'm so glad you're flying Upper Class - that's a real treat and actually, a necessity for a trip that long. What, might I ask, is Gok? xoxo, Jill in Miami

  2. Really exciting and what a treat way to leave to celebrate a new chapter in your lives xx

  3. Hi Ian, How are you doiong with the moving?

  4. You can pay to bring more luggage... get your wallet out...

  5. Jill - Gok is a fashion guru here in the UK , he has a weekly tv show , kinda like a "queer eye for the straight girl"
    Gus xx

  6. Jill - If you google "Gok Wan" - you'll find out all about him. Great tv shows - How to Look Good Naked and Gok's fashion fix. He's fab - we love him.
