Sunday, 14 June 2009

Life in beige

Looking for a rental property here in Oz is a slightly different process to back in the UK. Properties are advertised with an inspection date and time - say Saturday 10.30 to 10.45. Everyone who is interested in that property then arrives at the same time for a simultaneous mass viewing. At the cheaper end of the rental market this can mean up to 40 couples in one place together. If you like the place, then you pick up an application form there and then and fill it in along with anyone else who likes it. We are looking at a higher end of the rental market (no surprise there) but even yesterday, when we went to see a place on St George's Crescent in Drummoyne, there were 2 other couples. Now this place had great views - we are only looking at waterfront properties - but I just didn't like it. Why? Well the whole apartment was beige - the walls, the carpets, the doors, the skirting, the windows, the blinds, the wardrobes, the kitchen - everything was the same damn colour. It was beyond depresssing. And the apartment we looked at on Friday was exactly the same.

What is going on? Do Aussies not like colour? I know that magnolia walls are common in the UK - but beige everything...........


  1. You need to go to or and go to the rent section. I've never done the open houses, depending on your price point you'll probably do better just contacting the rental agents directly thru those sites! Good luck, I probably saw about 30 properties or more before finding the right thing, but I may just be overly nitpicky.

  2. Hi Florida Girl - we've actually got a relocation company working with us, and on Friday we had a "private" viewing. Yesterday we just saw the property on the websites you mentioned and noticed it had an inspection that morning. It was a different experience. And we may end up seeing as many properties as you - I was shocked at just how dirty this property was - in an upmarket area, and for $1000 a week, I expected a much higher standard.
